Money Well Spent

Well, buying that TPMS setup for the trailer has paid off in spades. But this isn’t even the first tire issue I have had.

Not more than 45 minutes from home, the alarm started going off. Yup, flat tire. There I was, on the side of the freeway, trying to change a flat tire on a trailer. To make matters worse, I couldn’t get the spare off. The lug bolt holding it onto the bracket was stripped and it was just spinning. After a lot of persuasion, it finally came off and I was able to change the tire. I found a spare somewhere in Indiana. I also bought a second spare just in case.

The alarm went off again in Kansas. Another flat. While changing it, I see the tire next to it has a screw in it. Good grief.

Got that one changed as well. So I now had one good spare and one with a screw in it. The drive home is going to be a blast!

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