Here are some details on the current state of the Jeep. It’s come along way since I bought it in 2013. I had no idea what I was getting myself in to. Changed a few things over the years to finally get it where it’s at today. Not quite finished, I still have a few things I want to do with it (hydro assist steering, for example, and move up to 37″ tires and bead locks). But it’s a very capable rig. Learned a lot along the way as well. Made some mistakes, made some changes.
A chronological rundown of the build can be found here.
2014 Jeep Wrangler Sport S – Purchased new in August of 2013
- Armor
- JCR Offroad
- Dagger Stubby Front Bumper w/ Lower Skid
- Crusader Mid Width Rear Bumper w/ Tire Carrier
- Rocker Armor
- Classic Rock Sliders
- Crusader Mid Width Front and Rear Fender Flares
- Aluminum Front Fender Liners
- Engine Skid Plate
- Exhaust Loop Skid Plate
- Transfer Case Skid Plate
- EVAP Skid Plate
- HD Transmission Crossmember
- Rubicon Express Gas Tank Skid Plate
- Rock Hard 4×4 Sport Cage
- DIY Corner Armor (AEV Corners + Maxbilt Trail Tails)
- JCR Offroad
- Front Axle
- Rubicon Dana 44 Axle Housing
- Rubicon Factory e-Locker
- Inner C Gussets
- RCV Axle Shafts
- Barnes 4WD Lower Control Arm Skids
- Barnes 4WD Axle Side Track Bar Bracket
- Barnes 4WD Axle Truss
- Teraflex Steering Stabilizer
- Teraflex HD Ball Joints
- Synergy HD Tie Rod
- Synergy HD Drag Link
- ARB Diff Cover
- Adams Front Drive Shaft
- JKS Quicker Disconnect Sway Bar Links
- Teraflex Big Rotor Kit
- Rear Axle
- Rubicon Dana 44 Axle Housing
- Rubicon Factory e-Locker
- Barnes 4WD Axle Side Track Bar Bracket
- Artec Lower Control Arm / Shock Mount Brackets
- ARB Diff Cover
- Teraflex Big Rotor Kit
- Wheels
- American Racing
- Tires
- BFG KO2 315/70R17
- Lift
- Rock Krawler X-Factor Mid Arm 3.5″
- Bilstein 5100 Shocks
- Recovery
- Smittybilt X20 Wireless Winch w/ Synthetic Rope
- Factor 55 Prolink
- Hi Lift HL484 Jack
- Misc
- Hyline Offroad Hood Louver
- Midland GMRS Radio
- Smittybilt 2781 Air Compressor
- Tuffy Security Deck Enclosure
- Odyssey Extreme AGM Battery
- MasterTop Summer Combo