Broken Fender Liner

I have a set of front inner fender liners from JCR offroad. I love the look of them.

But the one on the passenger side broke sometime last year (or maybe the year before?). Sometimes it gets caught by the wind and will start bangin around. And my Jeep needs a bath.

Now that I have a Primeweld TIG 225 that can weld aluminum, It’s time to fix it.

First things first, a little practice with some 1/16″ coupons I bought from Weld Metals Online.

Then I jigged up the broken pieces and welded them back together.

Through on a coat of paint and reinstalled it.

Happy with the results. Should be plenty string now.

And my Jeep still needs a bath.

Cooling Things Down

Some years ago, while out at Southington Off Road, I sank my Jeep. Oops.

And ever since then, it has run a lot hotter than it should. Even at highway speeds, it shouldn’t get any hotter than 215 degrees. Not mine, if the Jeep was working (on trails, on the highway in hilly areas, or on hot days) I could see temps hit 240 and higher.

I have suspected for a while that the radiator cooling fins were clogged with mud. The mud and water at Southington are very sandy and full of silt. I’ve known many a Jeep that needed new front axle seals and spending a day in that mess. And I was sure that there was a leak in it somewhere. You could smell coolant when it was running hot, but it never lost that much fluid, so I was certain it was pinhole leak.

It’s been bugging me for years. So I decided to take the time during this Coronavirus lockdown to go ahead and replace my radiator. I found a YouTube video that did a really good job of describing the steps for a Jeep very much like mine.


Disassembly took about an hour. After removing the air intake and air box and draining the radiator (I had to make tool for this – the petcock was unreachable with the bumper and winch still attached), it was a matter of removing a series of bolts that hold the transmission cooler and the A/C condenser on the front of the radiator.

Took a little doing to work the radiator around the hoses and lines, but all in all, the aforementioned YouTube video was spot on.

Once I got the radiator out, it was obvious why I was running into heat issues. Not enough to cause it to completely overheat, but enough to not cool it down fast enough. All that silica sand from Southington. Never again.

With everything out disconnected, I took the opportunity to clean some of the Moab out of the engine compartment. That dust just gets everywhere.

I bought a new factory replacement radiator from a local dealer. I had looked at aftermarket options, but quite frankly, justifying the triple cost wasn’t going to happen. And the other lower cost solutions, well, let’s just say I didn’t want to take that risk either. At least if there’s an issue with this one, I know I can get it replaced.


Reassembly is pretty much disassembly in reverse. It was a little challenging getting the radiator lined up so I could reconnect the condenser and transmission cooler.

A few of the bolts are really hard to get to. I had to remove the driver’s headlight to get to one that attaches the condenser lines to the side of the radiator. The driver’s front were the hardest. Had to really contort the radiator being careful not to stress the lines.

New Coolant

I purchased several gallons of concentrate coolant. During disassembly I tried to drain as much of the coolant out of the engine as possible. If I’m going to go this far, I might as well do a coolant flush at the same time. I also borrowed a burp kit from a friend to make it easier to get the air out of the system.

I mixed up a couple gallons of 50/50 mix and poured some in with the burp kit. One I started the Jeep, it started to warm up, but when the thermostat opened up, it started to push coolant up into the funnel. That told me there was an air block in there somewhere. So I put the Jeep up on ramps and let it sit for a while. The next time I started it, I got quite a few bubbles in the burp funnel. I managed to catch some on my phone.

No Heat!

So now the coolant is flowing, but I have no heat. There must have been another air block in the lines leading to the heater core. I decided to leave it to cool down overnight and hopefully, more air will work its way out.


The next morning, I noticed the coolant level in the fill funnel had gone down quite a bit. I poured some more in and shook the jeep a bit, and even more bubbles came up. Turned on the Jeep and had heat again. The air pocket must have worked its way out overnight.

Took it for a test drive. Haven’t seen temps like this in a while.

Of course, it’s only 45 degrees out right now. Won’t know for sure until we get into the summer months, but I am optimistic.

Still runs hot

Took the Jeep to the dealer. I still think it runs too hot. Plus I had some passenger side airbag recall. They replaced the thermostat (it was leaking). But on the drive home, the coolant temp was still higher than I think it should be. I think I am going to have to replace the radiator or something. I suspect it is caked with mud.

235* at 30 MPH just makes NO sense.

Summer Top

I bought a new soft top combo from Quadratec. It’s the Master Top summer combo. Comes with a bikini top, a wind jammer and a tonneau cover. I think I am going to like having this on better than the factory soft top.

Although I might have to make some other changes. This limits me from using my Tuffy Security Deck enclosure. The jury is still out on this.

Putting it back together

The Jeep is clean-ish. I have my seal press and my case spreader. Time to get the seals pressed in, the locker back in the differential, axles back in, brakes and wheels, and get this Jeep rolling again!

Drives great. No leaks. No weird noises. No new ones anyway. Looking forward to driving this all summer long.

Seal Press

As I mentioned before, you really need to use a proper seal press in order to seat the new seals in the front differential. I could buy one for around $100. But this is something I really wanted to make. I was recently trained on how to safely use a metal lathe down at the CWRU Thinkbox, so I wanted to give it a try and make one.

I designed the part in Fusion 360.

I went to a local hardware store, and they just happened to have a drop of some 2.75″ round bar that was just the size I needed for $12. I took an afternoon on the lathe, and with some help, was able to turn the piece that I needed. It took a while, but I think it was well worth it. Not only did I learn a lot, but I saved a bunch of money!


Time to get the rest of this Moab dust out of the Jeep. I decided to take everything out, including the seats, and give it all a good cleaning.

Axle Progress

I decided to buy and install outer axle seals this time. I think that part of the issue why I get so many axle seal leaks is the gunk that gets into the tube and creates an issue for the seals.

Installing outer seals will eliminate the from happening.

I also made some progress getting the CV joints on the axle shafts put back together.

Axle Seals Part 1

Time to break down and start looking at replacing the front axle seals.

One of the new tools arrived recently, a case spreader. From past experience, I know that the front locker will not come out easily, or go back in at all, without the use of a case spreader. I couldn’t find where to rent one from, so I bought one off the eBays.

I wish I had bought one years ago.

The process removing the old seals is simple. Insert a piece of conduit into the axle tube and smack it out. Putting it back in, is a different story. I wanted to use a proper seal press. Buying one was only around $100. But making one would be more fun. I designed this in Fusion 360.

Replacing the seals is next.